The Old Money Reality

In our last blog we looked at our relational dysfunctions around money.  We call these the Old Money Reality.  In contrast we now have the option to consider a New Money Reality. We can begin to look at this new reality by contrasting the old with the new.  In the Old Money Reality, money connotes scarcity, enables isolation/separation, provides power over/under, pronounces us guilty, makes us feel either good or bad, is a “tool”, and is fundamentally a problem. In the New Money Reality, money connotes enough for all, enables constant connection, provides equality, pronounces us always worthy, makes us feel empowered, is “exchange”, and is fundamentally a blessing.  It is a fascinating journey to go from the current concepts we have around money to deeply understanding how money can be a blessing.  Join me next fall for the Evolutionary Money class if you are intrigued.  Dates will be announced on the Evolutionary Money Facebook page.

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