
Ingrained in our culture is the sense that the love of money is the root of all our problems, or at a minimum, money is a necessary evil. But, in 25 years counseling hundreds of clients in my role as a certified financial planner and investment adviser, I discovered that this is NOT the truth. Rather the truth is that we haven’t learned to love money enough. Sounds outrageous, doesn’t it?

Yet, we know that most of us have problems and issues around our relationship with money. And many of us are confused about the role of money in our lives. To clarify this confusion we have named some money patterns. For example: some of us resist dealing with money and are “Righteous Resisters”, or we hold onto our money so tightly we call this pattern the ‘Parsimonious Saver,” or if we spend unconsciously… “Senseless Spenders.”

Sound familiar to you? I’ll begin to teach you how to shift your discomfort around money. Right now you can ask yourself these basic questions:

  • What do you really like about money?
  • What is your biggest worry around money?
  • What would you like to change the most?

Reflecting on these questions is just a beginning. Let us introduce you to all of money patterns, and how they can be transformed.