Money Patterns Quiz


Each of us carries within our own unique relationship to money. We call this our money pattern. This pattern was given to us by our families, our culture and our personal experiences. While some of us are comfortable with our relationship to money, many of us are not. Whatever your pattern is now, know, without a doubt, that this begins your journey to a more loving relationship with money.

Take this simple test below to discover your money patterns.



I. Which Phrases best describe what you like about money –click on up to three phrases
a. I like to spend it.b. I like to save it.c. I like it to be purposeful.d. I like to day dream about it.e. I like earning a lot.f. I like to assume there is no hope.g. I like to avoid money matters.
II. Click on all of the phrases that describe how you’d end the phrase “I worry about…”
a. Losing my purpose.b. Scarcity.c. Losing my power.d. Being controlled or limited.e. Failure in money matters.f. Losing my authenticity.g. Being committed.
III. Click on any or all of the phrases that describe how money often seems make you feel.
a. Restrictedb. Worthlessc. Insecured. Helplesse. Disillusionedf. Powerlessg. Disdainful
IV. Click on any or all of the phrases that describe your current money situation.
a. I will never have enough.b. I feel good when I spend it.c. I give money because I feel like I should.d. If I win the lottery everything will be perfect.e. I have to hold on to my money.f. Making as much money as possible is a high priority.g. I avoid money matters.
V. If you were to admit to some dark feeling about money click on all that would apply.
a. I don’t really like money.b. How I make my money defines me.c. I assume failure in money matters.d. Money makes me unhappy.e. I act like a victim when it comes to money.f. I often spend money to avoid things.g. I don’t believe in abundance.
VI. Click on the phrases that describe money in relationship to others.
a. I have to be alert to being taken advantage of.b. I divide the world into haves and have-nots.c. I envy those who succeed at money matters.d. I have disdain for those who don’t work for money.e. People will either help me or screw me.f. I don’t make contact around money.g. I keep my money issues secret.
VII. In your relationship to money click on your three top priorities.
a. To be secure.b. To feel satisfied.c. To be empowered.d. To have integrity.e. To feel worthy.f. To have independence.g. To feel free.